torsdag 17 maj 2012

English becomes Svenska! och Assagioli förklaras igen!

Even if I will have more readers if I stick to my english, I have desides to change language and write in swedish for a while. Main reason is that this is hard enough for me to understand in swedish at the moment so if I write in english I have to take it to an other level and simplicity is my transpersonal word at the moment, så svenska it will be.

Jag vill ju försöka förklara vad psykosyntes egentligen är och då kan det behövas en historieberättelse och Assagiolis liv och tankar. Detta gör jag som många andra med hjälp av Wikipedia.

Assagioli var en av Freuds lärjungar och ansågs vara en som skulle bära en psykoanalytiska facklan vidare efter Freud. Assagioli såg dock längre än Freud, eller ska jag kanske skriva annorlunda, på idéerna om driftlivet och ville lägga till mänskliga uttryck som kärlek, kreativitet, skönhet och andlighet i sina teorier. Dessa ansåg han skulle ha ett värde i sig och skulle därför studeras för sin egen skull. Han ansåg även att det fanns ett värde i att titta på det "friska" hos människor istället för att fokusera på det "sjuka".
Även om utforskandet av det undermedvetna är en viktig del av hans teorier, ville Assagioli ändå behålla en balans med rationellt, medvetet terapeutiskt arbete.

Assagioli höll med Freud om vikten av att "laga" trauman ifrån barndomen och att skapa ett "sunt/friskt" ego men vidhöll att mänskligt växande inte behövde vara begränsat till endast detta. Assagioli sökte efter mänskligt växande bortom ett välfungerande ego, och tittade efter ett blomstrande mänskligt potential i andliga och transpersonella dimentioner, teorier hämtade från både den österländska och västerländska psykologiska och andliga världen. I och med detta var han en av de första i väst att lägga in österländska värden i psykologiskt arbete.

I ett tidigare inlägg har jag visat Assagiolis ägg, och lite flummigt försökt förklara det. Detta kommer att utvecklas mer, men jag tänker att vi tar lite i taget.

Så nu lämnar jag er i eftertanke och vet att några kommer att söka på Wikipedia
för att redan nu läsa slutet på historian, Good för you, då!

Tills dess att anden faller på...

To be continued!

onsdag 16 maj 2012

To carry the message to others!

Went to see my beautiful therapist yesterday and we talked about Italy and what I can do to carry the message out to people that I'm planning to rapport from the conference. She suggested that I should send a mail to Stockholm and ask them to put the blog out on there hompage, telling people that a student is rapporting from the Conference. I think it is a good idea, but the question I am asking me is if the blog still should be in english or if I at this point should switch to swedish! If I already have some readers, please tell me what you think of this.

As long as I have WiFi, the blog will be out there, as far as I am concerned!

Enough for today! To be continued...

måndag 14 maj 2012

Assagioli's Egg

As this is a work in process, I will do a little of this and a little of that just to see what works. And in the end, if I have time I will explain to you, my understanding of Psychosynthesis. And I will start with The Egg of Unconscious, Consciousness, and Self.

In the bottom of the egg you find the lower Unconscious, in the second the The Middle Unconscious and in the third the Higher Unconscious. The Circle in the middle is the conscious self or Ego, and in align with the conscious you can transform and rise to your Higher Self, your true identity, your ultimate Self.

You need to find a synthesis both between your Lower unconscious, and explore the Past, find your Sub-personalities in the Middle Unconscious, and find a synthesis and make conscious the different personalities to be more align to be able to rise to your True Self, the transpersonal part of you.

The synthesis have to work here as well, making you grounded with your personal self to create the opportunities to find your True Self.

This is all good and well, and maybe hard to grip, but explanations will come along the way. But here is my drawing of the Egg. And to make it as real as it is, see the cat-paws marks of the reality. In True Progress! hahah!

söndag 13 maj 2012

How it all started!

A sunny day in February last year (2011) on a journey and visit to my good friend Randi, the talk of what kind of therapy I should start with came to mind. As I had decided to start study in the field of therapy myself I had brought with me a couple of different prospects from different schools. 

We talked economy and work afterwards, and after endless discussions I ended up, again and again on HumaNova, and the field of psychosynthesis. When the subject had been up on the table a couple of years earlier, I had even been affirming by standing by the door, saying to myself that... One day! I will be inside.

So the therapy I started was with a therapist in psychonsynthesis, and I have not regreted a one minute since. My road, MY WAY! One year at a time, as I told one of the teachers on the interview - I usally get bored and end up before I finish. She answered that she had good hand with people like me, and that I would not get bored. So true!!

So in May I started my therapy, and my journey on becoming who I already am, and in end August, after getting robbed in Egypt, the gentle, egyptian way, I started school, and quickly got to know eight other wonderfull persons, the gang, the others, but the same as I.

One year at HumaNova had started!