As this is a work in process, I will do a little of this and a little of that just to see what works. And in the end, if I have time I will explain to you, my understanding of Psychosynthesis. And I will start with The Egg of Unconscious, Consciousness, and Self.
In the bottom of the egg you find the lower Unconscious, in the second the The Middle Unconscious and in the third the Higher Unconscious. The Circle in the middle is the conscious self or Ego, and in align with the conscious you can transform and rise to your Higher Self, your true identity, your ultimate Self.
You need to find a synthesis both between your Lower unconscious, and explore the Past, find your Sub-personalities in the Middle Unconscious, and find a synthesis and make conscious the different personalities to be more align to be able to rise to your True Self, the transpersonal part of you.
The synthesis have to work here as well, making you grounded with your personal self to create the opportunities to find your True Self.
This is all good and well, and maybe hard to grip, but explanations will come along the way. But here is my drawing of the Egg. And to make it as real as it is, see the cat-paws marks of the reality. In True Progress! hahah!
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