söndag 13 maj 2012

How it all started!

A sunny day in February last year (2011) on a journey and visit to my good friend Randi, the talk of what kind of therapy I should start with came to mind. As I had decided to start study in the field of therapy myself I had brought with me a couple of different prospects from different schools. 

We talked economy and work afterwards, and after endless discussions I ended up, again and again on HumaNova, and the field of psychosynthesis. When the subject had been up on the table a couple of years earlier, I had even been affirming by standing by the door, saying to myself that... One day! I will be inside.

So the therapy I started was with a therapist in psychonsynthesis, and I have not regreted a one minute since. My road, MY WAY! One year at a time, as I told one of the teachers on the interview - I usally get bored and end up before I finish. She answered that she had good hand with people like me, and that I would not get bored. So true!!

So in May I started my therapy, and my journey on becoming who I already am, and in end August, after getting robbed in Egypt, the gentle, egyptian way, I started school, and quickly got to know eight other wonderfull persons, the gang, the others, but the same as I.

One year at HumaNova had started!

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